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Welcome to my blog. Here is where i express my feelings and stuff like that. Anyway, i hope u become 1 of my followers! =]

Monday, May 24, 2010

I've joined the choral speaking team at my school. It was my first time being a choral speaker. It was a lot of fun because our coach is Teacher Audrey and Teacher Mahani. They were very good at teaching us how to pronouns the script correctly, the moves and everything about choral speaking. It all went well...............................until.............another teacher takes over! (I don't want to say her name.) She's not so good at teaching us the choral speaking stuff.........okay, she's terrible!!!! The only thing she asked us to do is read the script over and over until the bell rang.The reason why she's taking over teaching us choral is because she thought she was very good at it, but,sorry to burst her bubbles, she's terrible at teaching us choral. I'm glad that Teacher Audrey will be teaching us choral again after the holiday..........or we will never got a chance to win the competition....!

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