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Welcome to my blog. Here is where i express my feelings and stuff like that. Anyway, i hope u become 1 of my followers! =]

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time To Sit Back and Relax.... But....

Yay!!~ The exam is finally over! I'm very happy bout that! After this, we'll be having a week of school holiday..! Yahoo!!~ It is really the time to sit back and relax...! hmmm... :3
But, something is not right... something i don't like.... owh... what could it be..?
Hmm... Ahh, That's right! There's a lot of homework to do! Aishii~ Why should we've be given homework after exams? and why is it during our resting time? I want to spend more quality time with my family and friends! Huh... I guess it's a fact of a student life!!~ Huh~


Arif Saufiuddin said...

Memang btul Diana... aku lagi d pilih jadi plajar wirajaya... SENGSARA habis! huhu... stiap subjek mesti ada kerja rumah.. 1 subjek skurang-kurangnya d suruh buat 3 bab... aduii... huhu.. sabar je lah kita.. hope 4 the best.. ok!

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Diana Fariha said...

Congrats dpt t'pilih jd pelajar wirajaya!!~

Diana Fariha said...

To: Humberto
Thanks for the comment, I really appreciated it. Maybe your right, maybe we should become blog buddies.Do give me your blog address!!~